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-The Atomic Energy Organization of Iran during the spring and summer of the current Christian year produced 3456 million KW of electric power transfer hour in the Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant of which 3140 million hour was connected to the country's overall network. The mentioned production volume in the Bushehr Power Plant, during this time, has continued on sustained and ordered basis. This trend took place while the country faced multiple limitations in different hydroelectric and thermal energy sectors.

-According to the Nuclear Power production & Development co. of Iran (NPPD) report, the Bushehr plant unit one complex, since it's commissioning in 2011, and following commercial operation from Oct 2013 until the end of spring – summer of 2018, produced 31653 million KW electricity hour and delivered 28727 million KW hour to the power transfer network.

-This power plant unit, in line with the objectives of saving fossil fuels and consequently oil–gas saving, was able to save during its 7 years operation, equivalent of total 50/5 million oil barrels or 7676 million cubic meter of natural gas, calculable on the basis of the crude oil and gas market prices, as well as billions of dollar savings in the national fossil fuel exploitation. In this way, even assuming the market average of 50 dollar price for an oil barrel, an equivalent of 2/5 billion dollars saving was performed. In addition to this, the electricity production in the Bushehr power plant since the start of its operation collectively has resulted in the reduction of the diffusion of around 29 million tons of various kinds of environmental pollutant gases.

-The reduction of such a volume of pollutants has a noticeable effect on the country's weather and ecology system. As a result, considering the numerous complications arising from the ongoing greenhouse increase of gases and global climate warming, the country has enjoyed a great help in decreasing the harmful greenhouse gases effects.

-It is worth mentioning that the Bushehr power plant location is designed for the building and operation of the three nuclear reactor units. At present time, the unit 1 is operating with the capacity of 1000 Megawatt electricity production and units 2 plus 3 each with the capacity of 1057 MW are being designed and going through the built process.
